Atomic Habits - Chapter 1 - The surprising power of atomic habits
British Cycling, Brailsford, and "the aggregation of marginal gains"
break everything down, 1 percent gain to each part adds up
Easy to overestimate importance of one defining moment vs value of making small improvements on a daily basis
Convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action
If you can get 1 percent better every day for a year, that's 37 times better by the end
One percent worse and you're down to nearly zero
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement
Should be more concerned with current trajectory than current results
Outcomes are a lagging measure of habits
Time magnifies the margin between success and failure
Plateau of latent potential
Ice cube doesn't melt at 25 to 31 degrees - it starts melting at 32
seed of every habit is a small decision
Task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting an oak tree
Forget about goals, focus on systems
Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that lead to those results
Problem 1: winners and losers have the same goals
Goal setting suffers from survivorship bias
We concentrate on the winners. Overlook those who don't succeed
Goal cannot be what differentiates the winners from losers
Problem 2: achieving a goal is only a momentary change
Summon up the energy to clean up, you will have a clean room for now
If habits aren't changed, it'll all be messy again and you'll need to summon up that energy again soon
We need to change the systems that cause results
Don't treat symptoms without treating the cause
Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves
Problem 3: goals restrict your happiness
goals create an either-or conflict - either you achieve the goal and are successful or you fail and are a disappointment
But if you can fall in love with a process, you can give yourself permission to be happy along the way to results. Be satisfied anytime the system is running
Problem 4: Goals are at odds with long-term progress
Train for months for a race, finish the race and stop training
Focus of goals is to win the game. Focus of systems is to continue playing.
Commitment to process will determine progress
A system of atomic habits
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each a fundamental unit contributing to overall improvement.