• Hey Donovan, could you by chance send me that new coffee icon set you found? I, um... Well, you see, I like coffee. A lot. And I signed up over at IconBuffet, but it says I need to have it sent to me from a friend. Mmm... coffee.

  • Heh, and I almost forgot about this image (courtesy of my old pal Jim Renaud):

  • From Dave: "I'm glad people are thinking about how long the free hosting is going to last, because, while I have no plans to stop hosting sites for free, it will eventually happen, and when it does, it's better if people are prepared." Exactly my sentiment. It's best to consider the free hosting as great for bootstrap, but be ready to leave the nest at some point.

  • Browser as mini-OPML-Editor via AJAX

    • An idea that occurred to me last night as I dozed off (no, my brain never stops): In-browser editing of OPML blogs and outlines for when you're "on the road".

    • Playing with AJAX-style XML-RPC for my NewsRiver add-on, and knowing that the OPML Community Server has an XML-RPC API for posting OPML data - I've got a notion that it just might be possible to make your web browser into a "mini-OPML Editor".

    • I'd revive my XOXO Outliner, join it up with an XOXO-to-OPML conversion in JavaScript and an AJAX call to the OPML Community Server, and save the results to the server all from the browser. Of course, I'm not sure how you'd then get the OPML back from the server onto your home-base OPML Editor, since I think the transfer is more of an upstream than a two-way sync... but, just getting this hare-brained idea out there.

  • Amyloo's mockup of an OPML Editor 1.0 site is looking pretty nerdily neat. The grid paper style has me thinking of Moleskine-esque connotations.

  • I think this sporadic habit of mad blogging here, with occasional selections copied over to 0xDECAFBAD, seems to work pretty well. At any rate, it's time for sleep.