• Hooray, it's a sunny day and the girl and I are shopping for wedding rings!

  • I keep running out of news to read. This makes me think that either my NewsRiver isn't picking up all the news that NetNewsWire did - or, stranger yet, that I'm getting through it faster. Can it be?

  • For Donovan: I can't claim the code updating technique in decafbadNewsRiver as my own. I lifted it rather clumsily from Nicholas Riley's Webdav tool for Radio UserLand back around 2002 or so. It actually seemed broken for me with the last update or so I'd made to decafbadNewsRiver, but it looks like it's working now, hooray!

  • ...er, um... table tennis?

  • Morning all. Coffee in hand, I was up relatively early today and looking for some Saturday morning cartoons. They all suck now. But then, I remembered that I had subscribed to Channel Frederator with the basement-resident iBook and had some episodes queued up on the file server. A couple of zaps with the remote later and, thanks to Xbox Media Center, I was watching cartoons on the TV, in my pajamas, eating my Cheerios, and drinking tasty coffee.