• As an aspiring writer, I have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying the Battlestar Galactica Podcast - particularly this episode recorded during a writers' meeting, wherein I can hear them hashing out the details of an episode, what made it in and what didn't and why. I really love absorbing the details and mechanics of the writing and creation process at work.

  • Ever since I was little, I've had the damnedest time making myself take naps even when I'm exhausted. There's always so much to do, see, read and think. I used to stay up until 2:00 AM every night, despite always getting up around 6:30 AM for work the next day. When I descended into sleep apnea and finally got treatment, however, sleep became a sacred thing to me after having been denied it for too long. So, now I go to bed much, much earlier. Seems like earlier and earlier, these days. Nonetheless, I still can't easily get myself to take mid-day naps. When I finally sleep, it feels like I'm giving up on the day. Yeah, I'm weird.

  • Another morning, still alive. I came home from work last night, bumped into things at home for an hour or two, then crashed way early and slept for 9 hours. I think I needed that.