• Imagine if Amazon S3 offered filtered RSS feeds of new files uploaded to a bucket. And, imagine if that RSS feed listed those new files as BitTorrent enclosures, with a few item elements fed from metadata headers (ie. title, description, etc). Instant podcasting.

  • Here's an evil concept I threw together at work: A Greasemonkey script that uses GM_xmlhttpRequest to load up and eval further GM scripts from a central behind-firewall intranet repository managed via Subversion. Everyone in our team installs one GM script, and after that we can all deploy new GM code to each others' browsers on the fly. It's very, very evil and exploitable code - but we all trust each other so far, and the code's totally available for view from Subversion. I could probably sneak something in to steal everyone's MySpace passwords, but that wouldn't last long.

  • So last night, I started making good on the implied threat contained in yesterday's idle musings about Amazon S3. I've started building S3Ajax, an AJAX-based wrapper for Amazon's S3. Between S3, the OPML Community Server API, and what will hopefully come out of the Atom Publishing Protocol - I think web-based filesystem APIs have the potential to be a Next Big Thing.

  • Good morning everyone. Trying another morning with naked wrists, hoping to maintain a modicum of posture so as not to become too dependant yet on braces. Also: Co-worker brought in some damn tasty coffee that somehow made it through the office Bunn intact.