• Hello world.

  • Are cross-country relocations normally done with this much anxiety and a lack of time to process? I suppose it'll be like a band-aid being torn off, and we'll be out there and settled by the time it really sinks in - but damn.

  • Closing in on my last day here at work, on July 12th. Various relocation vendors are working through their various processes and reams of paperwork, and as yet all precise dates are up in the air. But, at this point, it seems like Alexandra and I and all the pets will be on a plane to California around the 15th, give or take a day. I wish I'd taken a week or so more between the last day working here and starting out there, but for some reason it hadn't occurred to me when I gave notice. And, I didn't want to short change people here, since I was already taking a 2 week vacation for the wedding and honeymoon.