• You know, I'd never really tried Pukka for posting to del.icio.us until tonight. I'd heard of it, looked briefly at the site, but decided it was of no use to me. Instead, my old standby is a personally tweaked version of John Resig's Superfast Bookmarklet in Firefox. But then, I watched the screencast. There's nothing like a good screencast to shed some light on an app's special sauce. So I downloaded Pukka, tried it, and am actually now considering the $5 registration fee in exchange for my free bookmarklet. Go figure.

  • So, I got this Universal Binary build of the OPML Editor running, but then I promptly abandoned it rather than pressing it back into use. And, since I left off the daily OPML Editor habit for blogging, I've not been blogging much at all. Maybe it's time to pick it up again.