• OPML-based reading lists seem to be a feature that hasn't gotten picked up by any of the major aggregators other than Dave Winer's NewsRiver. That's kinda sad to me, because I think a meta-subscription to a curated list of feeds is a brilliant idea. Just doing a one-time import of a reading list isn't good enough - the over-head light bulb comes on when the reading list gets changed on a regular basis by the curator, rotating feeds over time.

  • MonitorThis: "With MonitorThis you can subscribe to 22 different search engine feeds at the same time. Enter a search term and click the 'make monitor.opml' button to get a list of rss feeds in OPML format."

  • Looks like I need to get back to poking at FeedMagick and write that OPML reading list powered feed blender module I've been thinking about. Pass in the URL to an OPML file listing feeds, get one mixed feed back.

  • I wonder if it would be interesting and not-too-difficult to have a hook in the OPML Editor to blog and render from the local machine straight to an Amazon S3 bucket?

  • Speaking of Go, I need to pick that up again as a habit.

  • StarCraft II. Hot damn. I've just recently been playing through the original StarCraft, slowly getting my RTS groove back on. It's been awhile since last I really played any strategy games like that. They've really gotten the balance perfect in StarCraft. The game has lasted this long because it's more of an automated board game than a video game, and a friend at work described it as "one great big collection of paper-rock-scissors matches," where various units trump other units fairly reliably. Trying to understand it feels a lot like when I started learning to play Go - but that might just be me.

  • Hello world. Been vaccinated and had blood drawn. Feel like I've been run over. I'm kind of a wuss.