• Dave Winer: "I created a list of sites that I like to check when I'm on the BART or waiting in line at the supermarket. Without the ability to set the start page, I have to rely on memory, and I have to type the first few characters of the URL."

  • Whoa. You can't set the start page on Safari for the iPhone? Fail. Waiting for second generation.

  • Michael Arrington: "That $599 iPhone Costs $220 To Make - New estimates, based on a tear down of a unit by Austin-based Portelligent, put the cost of components at a mere $220. This does not include the cost of final assembly."

  • Yup, gotta love headlines like that. Following the same reasoning, TechCrunch should be rolling in dough if you just consider web hosting for techcrunch.com as the sole cost. It all depends on your definition of the word "make", I suppose.

  • Hello world. I did not get an iPhone this weekend, but I did go visit Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton with my father-in-law.