• Hello world. I keep thinking I might like some form of tumblelogging software better than the OPML Editor, especially since there've been some weird behaviors for me since installing Leopard. Maybe I could finally try using Tinderbox for blogging. But, here I am, opening the OPML Editor again. I just can't leave it yet. :)

  • My issue with word wrap in the OPML Editor in Leopard only seems to happen when I'm using the Inconsolata font. Weirdly specific. Or maybe it's any monospace font?

  • The OPML Editor is open source. This makes me feel guilty I'm not fixing bugs I find. But alas, I despair at wrapping my head around its source and around non-Cocoa MacOS development. I figure it's enough that I know a bit about UserTalk, but hesitate to dive into the code behind the curtain. Maybe someday...