- I added the bucket to my accumulator, which should be interesting to watch when the "final" version of each day's bucket shows up in the feed.
At some point, I want to return to that accumulator and implement the custom feed filtering stuff I meant to do. That way, I can offer feeds that gather:
- a firehose of everything I emit online;
- just the stuff I emit to decafbad.com;
- just the long-form articles and posts.
Time soon to check this bucket stuff into SVN, since it's grown to about a half-dozen scripts and templates. There's some content accumulated, too.
Tossed in some Haloscan comment links next to the titles. I'm also thinking about switching to Disqus if I can find a clean way to integrate.
- This might offer a clue toward the Disqus integration I want.
Hmm. I wonder how hard it would be to tell blosxom to mind the creation date and not modification date on these entries?
- I remember playing with plugins and other
-based hackery to sort this kind of thing out, years ago.
- I remember playing with plugins and other
Have a passing thought that I might convert everything from my OPML blog into entries for this bucket. They're very, very similar in spirit.
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