Considering a trip to SuperHappyDevHouse 25 tomorrow.
I should probably try working on writing there.
But I might also work on this bucket and a few other things.
And I really should try to mingle a bit and make a few last connections with people before we move.
- I'm hoping I can finagle a way to return to CA on a schedule that coincides with future SHDH happenings, but who knows?
Today was a day of Mozilla work from home, followed by an evening of book work from home.
I feel like I've read every line of mootools-trunk-1553.js.
I've probably missed a bunch of things.
On the other hand, I think I found a few bugs too - I wonder if and how I should file those with that community.
- Oh, hey, they use Trac.
Firefox 3.0 RC1 dropped today!
- I'm amazed at how much smoother and quicker all the animation examples for the book seem to go!
Real Synthetic Audio is one of my favorite music podcasts evar.
- IPM Radio is pretty dang nifty as well.
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