// bucket for 2009-02-23
And, since this was an active day on the bucket, I'm starting to think that maybe I should try to switch feeds to producing an item per bullet point rather than this one big blob-per-day.
So, inspired by Dave's re-release of the 2005-era OPML Editor blogging tool, I've made some tweaks to the bucket here that has made it possible to import all my old OPML blog entries just by copying the files into the proper data directory.
One of my next steps, once I have time for another hacking sprint is to implement an OPML Community Server API endpoint here that will allow me to use the OPML Editor to upstream entries to this bucket.
So, thus far, this bucket supports entries as single files per day or a directory of files per day—and in Markdown, Textile, HTML, and OPML formats.
And, soon, I might have both
git push
and an XML-RPC API as means of publishing to this bucket. Kind of insane, but these things match a workflow I want to support.
- Backing up all my Flickr photos with FlickrEdit.
A big difference between this and my old OPML Blog is that the OPML Editor tracks the datestamp of when an outline item is first created. That makes it so easy to come up with permalinks granular to the item. Trying to figure out how to do that here.
Of course, I may eventually just go back to the OPML Editor.
What might be interesting is to slap an OPML Community Server API in front of this bucket.
I'm trying to get a
hook in git to auto-update the remote site, but without much luck yet.One more try, using this tip.
- The new (for me) big idea about this thing is that now I'm
"publishing" entries with this thing using
git push
. I've got amaster
branch without any content, and aprod
branch that holds all my entries. Themaster
branch gets pushed to github, and theprod
branch gets pushed to decafbad.com
Oh yeah, and I'm trying out Disqus instead of Haloscan for comments for the the first time.
I've also got both PHP and JS versions of Markdown and Textile on hand, so at some point I'd like to introduce some web-based editing with live previews that can also be synched back down to my laptop via
git pull
.I suppose this thing is sort of like a Twitter account, but with hopefully more context. I'd like to use this for the dumping of thoughts too long for Twitter, yet too short for what I think of as a proper blog entry on decafbad.com.
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