• Still thinking about StickerBook. Considering JSON Linked Data and things like Solid. Haven't built anything. May be overthinking it.
  • The Gemini protocol sounds interesting
  • Thinking about self-regulation as a more important adult life skill than any particular talent.
  • I should update my MiSTer setup - new stuff got released!
  • New film from the director of "Sleep Dealer", which I really liked - The Infiltrators
    • tl;dr: undercover activists infiltrate detention centers for undocumented immigrants with the intent to get folks set free
  • I feel like my brain is a pen plotter drawing unoptimized paths.
    • Swing over to the northwest quadrant, sketch a couple of lines. Swing way over to southeast, draw a small curve. To the center, draw a square. Back to northwest, connect the lines with another line. Way over to northeast, ink one dot.
    • Let the thing go long enough and a picture might emerge. Along the way, there's no sensible narrative to follow.
    • Without taking notes like in this wiki, it's like my brain's running on a CRT. The vector drawing is so slow and scattered that the phosphors fade before any pattern emerges.
    • Trying to find an example of a pen plotter drawing unsorted lines. I seem to remember seeing joshua schachter post a video of this, once upon a time.
    • This seems to discuss the thing I'm thinking about, too https://nb.paulbutler.org/optimizing-plots-with-tsp-solver/
  • Damn it, now I want to get a pen plotter to play with.
  • Though it feels good un-spooling my brain like this as things pop up, the problem is that I still need to do things to meet expectations in a timely manner. You know, like, work that I get paid for. Does feel like I have fewer unruly thought children bouncing up and down in my head when I let them out here, though. So maybe I'll find focus come easier as I keep this up.
  • Back to that thought about self-regulation earlier: Takes a spike of willpower to interrupt my flow and redirect myself to something more goal-aligned. Doesn't always work. Keep trying.
  • Some reoccurring sci-fi ideas I've had, if I ever got the gumption to get back to writing stories (these are not entirely novel, they're just things I like):
    • Consider a truly alien & advanced civilization
    • Their technological artifacts wouldn't look like robots with tentacle arms
      • Their technology might look like origami-folding metamaterials that flex & fold & rotate & expand in ways that hurt our brains to even track
    • And they have no inevitable organics-vs-synthetics conflict.
      • What if the entire reason they were ever able to leave their planets is because they kicked off a peaceful co-evolution with their own quasi-sentient machines?
      • Like, what if the synthetics don't kill the organics because they like the organics and want to work together?
    • And consider their sociopolitical technology is also advanced to have even gotten this far.
      • What if they're not colonizers but just neighbors
      • David Brin came up with at least one dark enlightened scenario - i.e. habitable planets are precious & rare, enforced galactic law asserts that species who cannot take care of them lose the privilege of sovereignty even if they evolved there, good luck with resisting that
  • 2020 / 05 / 20 - stream notes - I streamed. I replaced the joystick on my left joycon for the Nintendo Switch but I broke the ZL button. Trying hard not to be very angry and disappointed. Found a replacement part that's on the way. Ugh.
    • Trying to be sanguine about this and tell myself that anything can be fixed. And I will fix this.