• Good morning. Hello world.
  • For the heck of it, I added a card to my AboutMePage that transcludes the latest journal entry from my notes wiki. Hopefully that doesn't go stale.
  • Thinking about the demo I gave today on Storybook and Github Status Checks
  • Thinking about pair programming and social anxiety.
  • Thinking again about ADHD and all the thinking and writing I've done over the years and whether any of my ideas have been any good 😅😰😥
    • On the one hand, I know some ADHD folks have a propensity for sudden hyperfocus sprees where one vomits out the entire sourcebook for a new fantasy novel series - the series itself never gets written, of course.
      • Hell, I basically did that last Christmas holiday with Starnet
    • On another hand, I've read & internalized that everyone has good ideas at times. The difference with some successful & esteemed folks is that they managed to capture and refine and synthesize and share the ideas.
    • So, which is it? Both? Neither? And does that mean I've ever had any good ideas?
  • About 10 years ago, I recovered a pile of my old high-school era poetry and journal entries from Commodore 64 floppies.
    • The cringe I felt nearly drove me through the floor 😂
    • I'm feeling a bit of that now, reading things I wrote 10-15 years ago 😅
    • Makes me wonder what I'll think of me now, 10 years from now 😬
  • Thinking every own and the Org mode format here. Been 20 years since I last used emacs, though. Orgzly on my phone seems neat, though.