Sometimes, the writing flows and the wind is at my back. I think finding ways to make that happen more reliably on command is one of the significant skills I need to pick up as I work on actually being a pro at this. Because, when it works, I can really get in a zone - but when it doesn't, I can really get stuck.
Amy, I've often wondered about the cowskull myself. I seem to remember knowing more about it at one time, but it's since slipped from my head. It's got something about the cactus mojo in Frontier. And, Dave says, "You won't often see a cowskull sulking."
I've not done more than just barely view source on Ray Ozzie's web clipboard demo, but it has a really good smell about it. Use microformats, seems like magic, works between browsers by way of my actual system clipboard on OS X. I really need to look into this some more.
Er, what?! There's a such thing as onCopy and onPaste JavaScript events for HTML form fields? Get outta here! Hmm, seems Microsoft-specific... and also in Safari... and the demo worked for me on Firefox. I wonder if this is just like AJAX - something Microsoft came up with that everyone else implemented because it was a good idea despite not being W3C-spec? The plot thickens - for me, anyway.
Another hint about the web clipboard thing: In Firefox, try selecting View > Page Style > No Style. You can see more of the guts of the thing.
And, what, no RSS feed for the LIVE-CLIP mailing list? I might have to fix that if it gets itchy.
Listening to Science Friday podcast episode on Snoring and Sleep Apnea that really hits close to home. My CPAP machine keeps my brain working, and I fear power outages.
Used up all my OPML 2 turns for today
Busy day without blogging, but I still managed to be a blabber mouth on the OPML 2 review list. I think I need to quiet down for a bit and let some other people talk.
My verbosity stems from a personal desire to see this particular issue moved toward a resolution - hopefully my motor mouth helped provide a few points of clarity. This crosses one of my favorite apps (Tinderbox) with what I think is one of the persistent grouse-points of OPML (large amounts of text with line breaks in XML attributes).
Personally, I think that the attributes issue is a non-issue, but it's one that needs a definitive FAQ answer at which to point. Like the RFC822 vs ISO8601 date format thing - there are people who'll never be gut-happy with it, but I don't think it presents any real technical limitations. There are much more interesting things to work on, once this one is put to bed.
Yup. Coffee, and a cat. Good morning.
It's a new day, yet time for bed. G'night. Next entry will probably see me with a coffee mug in hand.