I think I'd buy something like an Origami if it were about US$300. Otherwise, no thanks.
Michal Migurski, author of Reblog, posts a welcome comment on my assessment of Smarty in PHP. I keep meaning to respond to this, but maybe a pointer to it here will remind me at some point.
I, for one, also welcome the opportunity for Apple to prove I've been a hysterical fool.
I, for one, welcome the return of the Busy Developer's Guide (for RSS 2.0). I've been idly assembling some thoughts for a BDG of my own for OPML 2.0, for whenever I get the chance. My notes, my interpretation, hopefully helpful. Though maybe I should come up with a different phrase than "Busy Developer's Guide", since that's kinda Dave's brand.
In other news, as of this particular moment, after posting del.icio.us bookmarks to the two Apple patent applications - I now have 6502 bookmarks. That was the first processor for which I learned assembly language.
Apple has applied to patent RSS / Atom feeds and aggregators?!
Is Apple trying to patent RSS / Atom feed aggregation technology?! I can't see any silver lining here whatsoever, this is just plain bile-drippingly evil. Is there something I missed here?
If I'm reading this right, these two patents cover a large swath of what I've been doing for 5-6 years now, including my first book.
I can't claim any particular expertise with patent law, but how can this be anything other than a completely cynical land grab for an entire technology and industry? Someone really from Apple really needs to explain this. Beyond just the plain fact that there's assloads of prior art before April 13, 2005 - this just seems like a complete slap in the face and an appropriation of all the work everyone's done for the past decade or so.
I wonder if Ed's wishes for Cornell Notes techniques in the OPML Editor would be facilitated by the "notes" node type I proposed yesterday? (Or, something else maybe?) At any rate, whether or not that "notes" idea makes it into the OPML 2 spec itself - which I suspect it won't, because I've gotten the gist that this review is more about clarification and stablization than additions - I could always implement it as an extension node type, with a first implementation as an OPML Editor add-on tool.
Donovan posts a picture that seems familiar to me, though I don't think hair loss runs in my family actually. ";->" But, mmmm... bran muffin and coffee.
Thank goodness it's... er, Wednesday? Oh. Well, thank goodness for coffee anyway.