• Just back from watching Serenity on HD DVD at a friend / co-worker's house. Man, having been a luddite about HDTV for so long, I can finally appreciate the difference.

  • Chances are good that I'll be attending the Yahoo! Hack Day in London on June 16th & 17th to offer some del.icio.us representation. Thanks to my klutzy bus exit last September, I missed the Hack Day in Sunnyvale with Beck - hopefully a trip to the UK will ameliorate my regret in missing that event. Now, since I never managed to get one up till now, I need to see about getting a passport in the next 3 weeks.

  • 1768 unread feed items for me in Vienna. It's a light day - I'll have skimmed through these and more before bed. Hopefully, getting back to a lighterweight approach to blogging will get me babbling more about what I'm reading.

  • Damn kids! Get off my web!

    • Scott Burkett, Stop Twittering and Go Solve a Problem: "Aside from aesthetically looking like something a 12 year old cobbled up, the entire tool seems utterly pointless to me."

    • For Scott, Twitter probably is pointless at first glance. And that's because no one's talking to him. Really, this should be a FAQ for all social media, to be read by all journalists and commentators: Listening in on random strangers' conversations is more likely to be boring than not, and that's what you're doing if you just go to twitter.com and start clicking around. But, to assume because you're bored that the service as a whole is boring is, again, to be one of the Blind Men with an Elephant.

    • Twitter becomes immensely interesting when it turns out that you've amassed a group of contacts who tend to run in similar circles as you, because even their off-handed remarks and random burps have a decent chance of surfacing something interesting or entertaining. When it's good, this sets up a nice ambient chatter like sitting in a coffee shop filled with just your kind of people.

    • This same "I'm bored, so it's boring" mistake has popped up again and again - applied to blogging, MMORPGs, social bookmarking, MySpace, what have you. Replace "bored/boring" with "confused/confusing" or "annoyed/annoying" and you've got my own early reactions to MySpace.

    • But, really, it's not addressed to you if there's a buzz and you're not groking it. That's a clue that you're probably missing something. Granted, people can be insane, but it really is more likely that you're missing something - even if it's just that there's a particular brand of entertaining insanity in progress to which you're not attuned.

  • I love that on The Stargate Caf�, a sci-fi sitcom podcast, they use "pod" and "blog" as profanity-substitutes for "god" and "damn". POD-BLOGGIT!

  • I've got a set of semi-private feeds running that show me site metrics like recent referers. It's cool to see them light up with links and newsreaders when I actually start posting again. :)

  • Seeing as I've started playing Starcraft and Warcraft III for the first time - already having gotten sucked into WoW - I think Blizzard's latest time-line teaser and the rumors of a new sequel / franchise are just a clever marketing campaign to bump sales of all their other games. Damn, they're good.

  • And, since there are 2 more titles left to light up before the big ole question mark - does that mean they're going to drag us out for another few days, or do a two-fer reveal on Thursday and make the big announcement on Friday?

  • Dave Winer: "Gotta say. It's good to see Les Orchard blogging again."

  • Aww, shucks. Thanks for the welcome back - I hope I manage to keep it up for a bit again.