• How Scoble Reads 622 RSS Feeds Each Morning. I like this over-the-shoulder video. A lot of the reactions I've seen to it from digg and elsewhere are of the "get a life!" or "what a dweeb!" variety. But, again, this ain't for them. Some people - like me, with my 500+ feed habit - like to see how other infovores work and like being this connected to information. Scoble has his Google Reader shared items feed, I've got my del.icio.us bookmarks (up to 9012 as of this writing).

  • To read this from Valleywag and this (albeit not as catty) from CNET, you'd think the mind-control rays would be saturating my cube in a sickly purple/yellow glow from the ceiling mounted wifi access points on a daily basis here at Yahoo! Fact is, the purple-and-yellow-everywhere thing has been here for quite a long while - it's not amazing and new. Google's got their thing going on too. So do a lot of other companies. The rah-rah mission statement thing, too. They're really reaching over at Valleywag.

  • On the other hand: The mind-control rays must have a retroactive effect, because purple's actually been my favorite color since I was little. I like the overabundant access to purple sharpies.

  • John Resig:"MochiKit hasn't had a release in over a year and the developers are encouraging other users to take control, or use other libraries."

  • This bit about MochiKit makes me a tad sad. Before I got fully YUI-ified, MochiKit was my favorite Simons Basic cartridge for the web. It's not like it went anywhere, and the above-linked discussion thread appears to show that the kit's still in production use, but the folks involved are just too busy actually using the thing to do releases for the world. (Which is, of course, largely a thankless task I'd imagine.)

  • Good morning. I wish that whomever had discovered coffee had been enshrined in myths and legends throughout time, perhaps as some sort of cousin to Prometheus in some Mediterranean versions of the tale. I hear it was discovered in Ethiopia by a goatherd - that seems to have some potential for story.