• The thing that keeps hooking me on the OPML Editor is that it's so fast to get an idea out of my head and onto the net. Faster than any web app. As demonstrated when I'm not using it, I'm silent for months. And it's an outliner. I love outliners - maybe even moreso than mind mappers, though I like those too.

  • Yuck. My build of the OPML Editor - taken from SVN on SourceForge - has a nasty memory leak that I don't know enough to diagnose and dig out. Eats all my RAM over the course of a few hours, then crashes. I feel the itch to build a new quick blogging tool, but must resist.

  • Hello world. It's our one-year anniversary tomorrow! Can't believe it's been almost a year since the wedding and, soon, the move. It's been a pretty tumultuous dozen months or so.