In kind of an unfocused daze today, hoping to snag my brain on something
Suspect I'm just in a trough of depression, hopefully temporary
Frustrating, though. I have things I'd like to get done, but I just don't have access to the energy or enthusiasm or will to focus
I can grind through some things kind of mechanically but it's an all uphill effort
Had a lie down, left the home office for the day, did 30 min on the exercise bike
Thinking about GameDev again, maybe need to learn Godot
I tend to avoid GameDev not involving WebDev - because usually I'm trying to learn some web technologies from the attempt to build a game that I'll probably never finish
But, you know, I don't really play many games on the web
Thinking about Starnet, an idea for a cyberpunk netrunner game I had last year.
and started coding for it a bit before wandering off from the prototype.
I'd kind of like to return to it someday
Set up in AWS and a Github Action to deploy StaticRendering on push to master
Thinking about my older notes that are in the repository but not yet rendered to the web site
bucket - a few years of OPML and Markdown based daybook style entries, circa 2006 - 2009
twiki - a final HTML export from my old TWiki-based personal wiki from back around 2002
I used to use Tinderbox a lot for notes. I wonder what happened to those files. Maybe somewhere in my data hoard somewhere?
Found some of my old .tbx files. Last version I used was around 4.0 - a very long time ago. The files are XML. I wonder if I can massage them into something useful?