2020 / 06 / 19
Hello world. Happy Juneteenth . Sitting in on a few sessions streamed for JuneteenthConf , "a free virtual tech conference made for and featuring Black people in technology"Okay, so I spent all day watching sessions Just encountered the term "Difficulty Anchor " Reads to me as one worker finding another credible trusted senior worker to witness and provide backup for acknowledging effort & work & credit in an environment where folks (especially under-represented minorities) find their efforts discounted after the fact Not exactly mentoring, more sponsorship As a senior engineer, I'm feel a need to focus more on mentorship & sponsorship This runs into my social anxiety and depression Takes a lot of energy to deal with people, so it's easy to put off & avoid Exhausting to stew in inexplicable terror in anticipation of a meeting with a perfectly pleasant person But it's super rewarding when I manage to do itFeels great to solve a problem or clear a barrier for someone Feels great to share a bit of knowledge I forgot wasn't obvious when I first learned it Feels great to help multiply someone else's force Spent some time on TagIndex , stumbling through using TiddlyWiki filters and widgets